Let’s Exercise!

Here are 26 activities that do not require strenuous physical exercise:

● 1. Beating around the bush

● 2. Jumping to conclusions

● 3. Climbing the walls

● 4. Swallowing your pride

● 5. Passing the buck

● 6. Throwing your weight around

● 7. Dragging your heels

● 8. Pushing your luck

● 9. Making mountains out of molehills

● 10. Hitting the nail on the head

● 11. Wading through paperwork

● 12. Bending over backwards

● 13. Jumping on the bandwagon

● 14. Balancing the books

● 15. Running around in circles

● 16. Eating crow

● 17. Tooting your own horn

● 18. Climbing the ladder of success

● 19. Pulling out all the stops

● 20. Adding fuel to the fire

● 21. Opening a can of worms

● 22. Putting your foot in your mouth

● 23. Starting the ball rolling

● 24. Going over the edge

● 25. Picking up the pieces

● 26. Exercising caution!

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